
When you are building a new home, or having one built, you will quickly learn that one of the most important elements is your roof. Your roof protects the structure of your home from the weather, aside from lending to its curb appeal. Your roof needs to be supported well in order to remain standing. One of the ways that a roof is supported is with fascia.


The fascia is the long board that is attached to the roof trusses. It is typically the board that your gutters are attached to. It’s important that this board be strong, especially if you live in an area that sustains heavy winds and storms. The pounding rain can weigh heavily on gutters, meaning that the fascia has to be able to withstand the weight.


The fascia itself is not a decorative element but a structural one. There are few options when it comes to fascia, if any. Your home builder will simply install the fascia as part of the home build. Your home designer can help you understand why they have chosen the specific materials for your home’s fascia if you have questions.

When you are designing a home with your home builder, you will have dozens of choices to make that are decorative in nature. When it comes to the structure of your home, some things will be taken somewhat for granted and installed where they need to be. For more information about which elements of your home are structural in nature, speak to your home designer.